Saturday, July 2, 2011

Hitting the Yard Sales

Ah, well yesterday, my bro got me up to hit some yard sales. As we usually walk, we like to leave early. The only one we did yesterday, we no sooner walked about a mile, got there, and starting looking around, when tires squealed and heard that infamous metal crashing. Yeah, a car accident. Everyone was ok, and we left about an hour later. I found a few shirts, a sweater, swim trunks for the nephews, and some shorts for Mom.
Today we hit a few more. The first one I found the coolest toys ever made...

Yes, the Fisher Price house. It came with a few people, chairs, tables, a dog. All for 3 bucks. Extremely cheap and my youngest nephew loves these toys. They're not to babyish, yet big enough for little hands.

When we got back, Mom took us to a few miles away. The first one was the typical junk. Yeah, one man's trash, is another's treasure. But, uh, not this stuff. The next one was better. We found Dad a tape he had been looking for and I found 6 Dear America books. Mmmk, bye. Reading time!

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