Monday, March 28, 2011

The First Blog

Ok, this is a clarification blog. I'm gonna attempt to clear up a few things before I start blogging.
1) I've only dabbled in writing before this. I've always loved writing and getting ideas out there. My qualifications begin and will probably end with the writing classes I took for two terms in high school. Oh, I learned from those. Like how to get back into school before anyone sees that Dunkin' Donuts cup of coffee and how to cheat in Trivial Pursuit (hey in all honesty, that game is designed for folks over 50, not high school seniors. Yeah and the walks around Highland Park. Haha, dead squirrel.
2) I may sound a little hick-ish. I tend to write better than I speak which is probably a good thing considering I came from an area, where there was a "general store", yeah the Point Store. The closest town, well, no comment. I moved to a bona fide city (I don't know if it's still truly a city, but it somehow gets to keep the status.) I proved that old saying, "You can take the girl outta the country, but not the country outta the girl."
3) I am not Catholic, nor have I ever been. (I did go to Sunday Mass with my sister, who was doing a college paper on religions. When she refused to let me take Communion, I grew bored.) My screen name that I have used since around 2001, is from The Big Cat, Andres Galarraga. There have been plenty of people I have looked up to since I was a lass, but he truly stood out. He's beaten cancer twice, played baseball for years, and I've really admired that he took a year off for cancer treatment and came back stronger than ever.
4) If there's any question, I'm a Braves fan. I doubt I'll write very much about 'em, unless they end up being dumb. We'll see...
5) I have no set musical limitations on what music I listen to. I jam everything from Brooks & Dunn, 3 Oh! 3, Mariah Carey, Jerry Reed, Roxette, Big & Rich. You name something, I've prolly heard it.
6) I'm an avid reader. Like music, my tastes are eccentric. Little House, biographies, Fudge books,. I loved the Forrest Gump books and if you've seen the movie (if you haven't, are you under a rock?), READ the books. They are hilarious and so well written. Well in Gump's standpoint. I learned more history in those books than in 4 years of classes.
7) Likewise with TV. There aren't many current TV shows on I watch but give me my Dukes, Roseanne, The Nanny, Star Trek (Original and Next), and Little House and I'm content. Oh, and Major Dad, I watched last winter on Hulu. I'm really getting into this season's Celebrity Apprentice.
8) Movies are basically comedies, some dramas. I'll watch others, but I like that feel good movie on at night. Romy & Michelle, Mission to Mars, the Problem Childs, the Road to movies, Fancy Pants.
9) Actors and Actresses, hmm. There's a few I'd watch them do any movie/TV. Gary Sinise, Tom Hanks, Gerald McRaney (he'll always be Major Dad to me), Bob Hope, Lucille Ball, Melissa Gilbert, Anne Hathaway.
10) I'm a space freak. Hands down. I've even read transcripts from the Apollo missions. (Ever get really bored, read Apollo 12. Funny, funny stuff said. It's all online! If Apollo 13 is a drama, then Apollo 12 is a comedy.) I've read lots of books, even fudged my way through the technical wording of James Lovell's Lost Moon!

Well that it's for now. Whoever decides to read this, will at least get a good idea of who I am and where I'm coming from.

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