Sunday, September 30, 2012

Basement Digging Turned Up a Suprise

So I've been looking for a book to read since I finished Jean and Johnny earlier today. I looked around the back porch, gave up and headed down to a box I had in the basement. A box laying on the floor caught my eye and I rooted through it. Seeing older stuffed toys I had as a kid, I didn't think twice, rooted through it and about shut it. Then something caught my eye. My Puppy Surprise Mama dog. I hadn't seen her since a couple of houses ago.

The babies I knew I had placed in a bag that was in a box with other collectables (ie. my Pepsi hackisacks, old emblems from junked cars, a Lilo and Stitch toy, loose change, etc). I dug the babies out, shoved them into the pouch where they belong and the Mama dog will have a new spot near my bed for the time being. 
My Puppy Surprise went to school with me and I played with my friends who brought theirs in, too. I can't say I remember anyone having more than three puppies with theirs, but I doubt I would've noticed, I loved the three puppies I got.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Some shopping...

Did a little shopping today. My mom had an appointment downtown and my brother was riding along and said about me going along. Good thing I did, this tiny little city has a booming thrift store area developing. First stop at the Salvation Army yielded a few books, a cool video of NASA with Pete Conrad and Dick Gordon, and my brother found a neat looking ashtray. (Glass if you can believe it.) We hit the market house which is about empty and soon to be emptier if they go through with the liquorization of the cafe. Really, with all the bars around, they want a liquor license at the Market House. WTF? Then we hit this cute little consignment store that opened up near the Market House. It caters more to kids clothing which was decently priced, but since I have no kids, I went to check out the books. Decent selection, but a bit overpriced for books that pennied out on Amazon. Afterwards, we hit another thrift type place, more with video games, DVDs, and old school VHS. I found a copy of Space Camp for 50 cents and if it turns out to be the wrong video (the label is missing on the tape itself), I still found a tape for football season. After that Mom was done and some grocery shopping ensued. (Which means my brother handed me coupons and I run and find the stuff. Yeah I can find deals, but not with grocery stores.) All in all a great start to a day...time to start reading.

Monday, February 6, 2012

New NASA Game on Facebook

Now I enjoy my FB games for the most part. Well until they decide to be dorks and not work right. But now, in all their genius-ness, NASA has created the greatest trivia game. At least, I think so. It's called Space Race Blast Off and the point is to answer trivia questions related to NASA, science, etc. This is any space junkie's dream come true. Granted I don't know all the answers and most of the people I play with are around my lack of expertise, but it's amazing what I recall and what I've learned. Chances are, if you've only ever seen Apollo 13 and the occasional space launch/landing, this game will confuse you all to pieces. But if you've ever watched the videos on Youtube, you may surprise yourself with what you know.